Is it really as easy as it looks ?

Posted by Maida Dugalic on

It's easy for you "

Often we hear that. No matter what profession or job you are doing, you hear that phrase " Ah, that's easy for you."
How many times have you seen something on a YouTube tutorial or Pinterest " how-to" and thought " Oh, that's easy I can do it, only to find out you made a total mess and nothing to show for it ?
Everything " looks " easy, but when you try it you find out that no matter what you want to do, it requires patience, skill, time and effort. Yes, we can do anything we set our minds to, but don't underestimate the fact that anything worth achieving takes hard work and time to accomplish.

Every time you read a great article, visit a nice blog, watch an amazing video, see a beautiful cake, an inspiring painting, unique piece of jewelry,... stop for a moment and admire it, because behind all of that is someone's work, time and effort. Show some appreciation, say something nice, share it, show it to your friends.

Since I have tried to write a blog, bake a cake, create a piece of jewelry, because " it looked so easy when others did it " , I have learned to show more respect to those who do it so well. I actually stop and pay them a compliment, let them know " I notice " the details, the work, the skill- because now I know nothing is easy.

Believe me when I say it Behind every " beautiful and perfect photo " there are another 50 that were not that great and have a painful, sweaty, silly, exhausted story behind it.

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